Dependency Injection for PHP

Library that provides ways to use DI for PHP developers.


Install the library like this composer require fabs/di

Quick Start

Set a service with lazy loading

$di = DI::getDefault();

    return new MyCustomService();
// or
$di->set('class_name_example', MyCustomService::class);
// or
    return new MyCustomService($first, $second);

Set a service without lazy loading

$di = DI::getDefault();

$di->set('test_service', new MyCustomService());

Set a shared service

$di = DI::getDefault();

$di->setShared('test_service', new MyCustomService());
// or
$di->set('test_service', new MyCustomService(), true);

Get a service

$di = DI::getDefault();

$service = $di->get('test_service');
// or
$service = $di['test_service'];
// or
$service = $di->get('parameter_example',[8,'example']);