Welcome to the TimeKeeper project page. This open-source project, distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, was created by Lunatech. It allows to show you a complete example of a time tracking application. We built this software first for Lunatech employees. The tool allows us to track the time spent by project and by customer. We use this tool every month, in order to edit time reports and invoices.
We decided to make the code open-source. We also plan to create a service for companies interested in this project, but who may not be able to install the software.
If you wish to contribute or propose corrections, please read our contribution rules.
You can contact Lunatech by email: timekeeper@lunatech.com
All documentation are hold on Confluence pages here
Timekeeper dashboard is here
All ADR (Architecture Decision Records) are on Confluence here
Read How to setup your development environment Feel free to contribute for other platforms (Linux, Windows...) if you wish. PR for documentations are welcome.
- Quarkus 1.3
- Java 11
- Graal VM 19.3.1
- PostgresSQL 12.2
- Hibernate-panache
- Jackson
- Docker
- Keycloak 10.x
- React 0.16
- AntD library
- Less
The UX/UI design was made by Geoffroy Bouet, Lunatech.
The postgreSQL server runs on 5435 with Docker. Username and password for dev are defined in infrastructure/docker-compose.yml and application.properties.
Run docker-compose as :
docker-compose up
If you want to run docker in background :
docker-compose up -d
The following services should start :
- PostgreSQL dedicated to TimeKeeper app on port 5435
- Keycloak (+ one postgres dedicated to Keycloak) on http://localhost:8081
- Mailhog (a mail service)
mvn quarkus:dev
This project relies on Flyway for database schema migration. Database's model will be created at the first run of the app.
Go to Run/Debug Configuration and add the new configuration by using the +
button and select Remote
Use the default configuration (Port 5005).
By running the mvn quarkus:dev
command, you will see : Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
Then start the debug. You can now use the debug mode.
./mvnw compile test
Go to the frontend
folder and check the README for more details
Keycloak runs on port http://localhost:8082 use admin/admin (configured in docker-compose.yml).
docker compose imports keycloak/realm-export.json
. This JSON file will create a "Quarkus" Realm and 2 clients :
- backend-service for Quarkus
- react-ff for the React Frontend
For Cypress end-to-end tests, a specific test user should be manually created. See README for more details
Git naming conventions are key. They allow you to understand the context of somebody’s work in a matter of seconds and can help you filter through your team’s work when well executed.
To enforce branch names, each developer should execute this command from its Timekeeper folder
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
We use GitFlow convention
- Feature branches (feature/*): takes the form of a user story, or a feature that will be merged later on.
- Release branches (release/*): support the preparation of new product release, say a future rebranding of your website and will be eventually merged when ready
- Hotfix branches (hotfix/*): your typical bug fix. You could, for example, branch off in order to fix a bug in production
Other branches:
is for official release on production, with a Tagdevelop
is "last-stable" version of the project- `feature/TK-*' are ephemeral branches for WIP and PR
Try to reuse Jira ID as part of branch :
This command configures pre-commit hook and validation.
This project has two different types of tests. Unit tests and Integration tests. Unit tests are just plain simple and fast tests, that you should execute with the following command:
`mvn test`.
Integration tests are QuarkusTest. Those tests relies on a Docker instance that is bootstrapped for test only automatically.
`mvn integration-test`
This project is instrumented on the Lunatech Labs Sonarcloud.io instance. Pre-requisites : any Lunatech employee with a valid Github account can create and request a SonarCloud auth token here
Create a Token, and set it on your local environment
export SONAR_TOKEN=ef24g.....
Then, use mvn with profile "sonar"
./mvnw -P sonar clean verify sonar:sonar
Tests coverage are generated as XML file, as described on sonarqube-scanner-maven sample project