Update (Mar 1, 2024): Introduce OpenKYC Community Project, build your own eKYC solution and contribute at this Github Repo, try at HuggingFace Space.

Update (Oct 26, 2023): We are on Hugging Face, get your own SDK Servers by duplicating spaces at https://huggingface.co/FaceOnLive.

Update (Apr 10, 2023): Our API portal is now live, offering free APIs for various AI solutions, including face recognition, liveness detection, and ID document recognition.
Make sure to check it out at https://getapi.faceonlive.com and take advantage of our free offerings.

ID Card, Passport, Driver License Recognition SDK for Android

On-Device & Offline, Robust, ID Card, Passport, Driver License OCR SDK for Android


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Integrated into Huggingface Spaces 🤗 using Gradio. Try out the Web Demo: Hugging Face Spaces


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Stargazers repo roster for @faceonlive/ID-Card-Passport-Recognition-SDK-Android Forkers repo roster for @faceonlive/ID-Card-Passport-Recognition-SDK-Android

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