
My personal dotfiles

Primary LanguageLua

My Dotfiles

These are my dotfiles, managed with chezmoi.

Feel free to look around for inspiration, but given that this is for my personal use don't try to install this yourself!


First, install chezmoi and the Bitwarden CLI into ~/.local/bin.

Chezmoi has a one line installer:

sh -c "$(curl -fsLS https://chezmoi.io/get)" -- -b ~/.local/bin

For Bitwarden, you need to unzip the binary and move it yourself:

unzip bw-linux-x.x.x.zip
chmod +x bw
mv bw ~/.local/bin

Then, log in to Bitwarden:

bw login

Now we can apply the dotfiles (the --apply flag can be omitted to only clone into the source directory):

chezmoi init --apply Facel3ss1

Don't forget to lock your Bitwarden vault once you're done:

bw lock
