A simple task tracker that allows users to create tasks and associate them with it with a team. The team leader of the team will assign the team members to the tasks.The team members will update the status of the task.
- Django 4.0, Python 3.9, Djangorestframework 3.13, Djangorestauth 0.9, Celery 5.2, RabbitMQ
- Install via Pipenv
- User login and logout
- Admin interface
The code style used for the project is PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code and black: For Style Guide Enforcement.
The application can be installed via Pipenv. To start, clone the repo to your local computer and change into the proper directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/Fachiis/Simple-task-tracer.git
$ cd Simple-task-tracer
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py migrate
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py runserver
# Load the site at
Open another terminal and run the following commands to start the celery server. Make sure message broker (either RabbitMQ or Redis) is running.
(Simple_task_tracker) $ celery -A simple_task_tracker worker -l info
# Run Migrations
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py migrate
# Create a Superuser
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
# Start Django Server:
(Simple_task_tracker) $ python manage.py runserver
Confirm the RabbitMQ or Redis server is running.
# Start Celery Server:
(Simple_task_tracker) $ celery -A simple_task_tracker worker -l info
Confirm everything is running and working.
# Load the site at
Enjoy the Simple_task_tracker!