**A Todo Backend application**

This is the backend implementation of the to-do list application. The API is implemented using the latest standards of Django, Django RESTful and Python.


  • Django 4.3, djangorestframework 3.13, drf-nested-routers, django-cors-headers, social-auth-app-django, django-oauth-toolkit, drf-social-oauth2 & Python 3.9
  • Install via Pipenv
  • User social auth with Facebook.
  • Logged in users will be able to mark an uncomplete to-do item as complete, and vise-versa.
  • When a user logs in, he/she see a list of all her uncompleted to-do items.
  • The user can use a toggle feature to toggle between uncompleted and completed items.
  • The user can delete items from the to-do list
  • Each person can only see the to-do items she creates for herself.

The code style used for the project is PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code and Flake8: For Style Guide Enforcement.

Table of Contents


The application can be installed via Pipenv. To start, clone the repo to your local computer and change into the proper directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/Fachiis/todo-backend.git
$ cd todo-backend
$ pipenv install
$ pipenv shell
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py makemigrations
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py migrate
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py createsuperuser
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py runserver
# Load the site at


# Run Migrations
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py migrate

# Create a Superuser
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py createsuperuser

# Confirm everything is working:
(todo-backend) $ python manage.py runserver

# Load the site at