Repo-Projet Crêpes


This is a project for managing a crepe restaurant. It includes features for managing orders, inventory, and staff.

Project Structure

  • BaseDeDonnees/: Contains the database connection files and SQL scripts.
  • HTML-CSS/: Contains the HTML and CSS files for the project.
    • Css/: Contains the CSS files for the project.
    • Html/: Contains the HTML files for the project.
    • Images/: Contains the images used in the project.
  • Scripts/: Contains JavaScript and PHP scripts for the project.
    • JavaScript/: Contains JavaScript files.
    • PhP/: Contains PHP files.
  • index.php: The main entry point for the project.


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Set up the database using the SQL script in BaseDeDonnees/crepesco_test_17_05.sql.
  3. Update the database connection details in BaseDeDonnees/codesConnexion.php.
  4. Open index.php in your browser to start using the application.


Please follow the existing coding style and comment your code. If you make changes to the CSS, please update the relevant subfolder and add a comment explaining your changes.

Version Control

This project uses Git for version control. The project settings for the Git integration in JetBrains IDEs can be found in the .idea/vcs.xml file.