
Stationary bike computer software for an arduino & linux system.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

FreeRide v1.0

This is a functional bike computer/data logger intended for trainer bikes.
It is composed of an arduino program designed to output data to a serial
port tracking timestamps of wheel revolutions. That input stream can be
saved for later analysis, or visualized in real time by piping it into
the appropriate program.

Included in this package are:

AUTHORS - Contributing developers list

bike - Python script that takes a resistance level and timing data from
  standard input and produces ride stats as output
BikeComputer.ino - Arduino sketch which records timing information from
a wheel sensor, and outputs it to the serial port

bikelib.py - Common methods and data used by the other python scripts

COPYING - GPL 3.0 Licence file

dump_all - Executes ./bike on each ride file in the ./rides/#/ directory
  Where # is the resistiance level
gtkbike - pyGTK application which provides realtime display from the
  BikeComputer's data stream
playback - Simulates a real time run of recorded ride data by delaying
  writes based on the time of the event. Used to 'watch' a data log
  in gtkbike
README - This file

record - Script to automatically generate a ride file name, read the
  data from the serial port, and log the data while feeding it into
  gtkbike for display.