
Client SDK and CLI for the Joyent SmartDataCenter API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-smartdc is a node.js client library for interacting with the Joyent SmartDataCenter API. This package additionally contains a CLI you can use to write scripts encapsulating most common tasks.

Note this is version 7.0.0. It's not 100% backward compatible with SmartDC 6.5. Please, use 6.5.x version with 6.5 setups for 100% compatibility.


You probably want to install this package globally, so the CLI commands are always in your path.

npm install smartdc -g

Upgrading from 6.5 to 7.0

  • Dropped CLI from enviornment variables
  • Removed SDC_CLI_IDENTITY see below for determining your fingerprint.
  • Removed sdc-setup

Note that in 6.5, SDC_CLI_KEY_ID was the name of the SSH key as specified in your Joyent Cloud account. In 7.0, SDC_KEY_ID is the fingerprint of the SSH key.



There are CLI commands corresponding to almost every action available in the SmartDataCenter API; see the Joyent CloudAPI documentation for complete information, but to get started, you can set environment variables for the following flags so that you don't have to type them for each request:

  • SDC_URL || --url | -u: URL of the CloudAPI endpoint.
  • SDC_ACCOUNT || --account | -a: Login name (account).
  • SDC_KEY_ID || --keyId | -k: Fingerprint of the key to use for signing.

Faster way to get your key fingerprint is:

ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\n'

where you obviously replace ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub with the path to your the public key you wan to use for signing requests.

All of the CLI commands use your RSA private key for signing requests to the API, rather than sending your password to the Joyent API. Once you've set the environment variables, you can provision a machine, and check it's status. For example, here's how you can create a new machine and tag it as a 'test' machine, then you can grab the status a few times until it's running.

Note this assumes you've also got jsontool installed:

IMAGE=`./bin/sdc-listimages | json 0.id`
sdc-createmachine -e $IMAGE -n demo -t group=test
sdc-listmachines | json 0.state
sdc-listmachines | json 0.state
sdc-listmachines | json 0.state

At that point, you can ssh into the machine; try this:

ssh -A admin@`./sdc-listmachines | json 0.ips[0]`

Note that we added your keys to the SSH agent, so that you can use the CLI seamlessly on your new SmartMachine. Once you've played around and are done, you can dispose of it; shut it down, then poll until it's stopped.

sdc-listmachines | json 0.id | xargs sdc-stopmachine
sdc-listmachines | json 0.state
sdc-listmachines | json 0.id | xargs sdc-deletemachine

There's a lot more you can do, like manage snapshots, analytics, keys, tags, etc.

Programmatic Usage

var fs = require('fs');
var smartdc = require('smartdc');

var client = smartdc.createClient({
    sign: smartdc.privateKeySigner({
        key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.HOME + '/.ssh/id_rsa', 'utf8'),
        keyId: process.env.SDC_KEY_ID,
        user: process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT
    user: process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT,
    url: process.env.SDC_URL

client.listMachines(function(err, machines) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('Unable to list machines: ' + err);

    machines.forEach(function(m) {
        console.log('Machine: ' + JSON.stringify(m, null, 2));

Check out the source documentation for JSDocs on the API.




See https://github.com/joyent/node-smartdc/issues.

## Running the test suite

Note that this will execute tests against the Smart DC setup set into ENV variable SDC_URL. Please, make sure it's OK to try to create new machines into such Smart DC setup before running this test suite.

Running the test suite is as simple as:

make test

You may want to add a test user to your Smart DC setup. A sample user, with sample ssh keys can be found at test/user.ldif and test/.ssh. Once you've added this user, you can run your tests using:

SDC_KEY_ID=id_rsa \
HOME="$(pwd)/test" \
make test