
"Authorization failed" when trying to fetch database

dima74 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to see firebase data, and according to instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md run the following commands:

git clone git@github.com:FactorioBlueprints/factorio-prints.git
cd factorio-prints

firebase login
firebase database:get / > factorio-blueprints-export.json

But I receive the following error:

Error: Authorization failed. This account is missing the following required permissions on project facorio-blueprints:


Could you say, what I am doing wrong?

@FactorioBlueprints I tried firebase database:get /blueprints > factorio-blueprints-export.json and firebase database:get /blueprintSummaries > factorio-blueprints-export.json and in both cases received the same error:

Error: Authorization failed. This account is missing the following required permissions on project facorio-blueprints:

zeryl commented

This looks to still be an issue. I also wonder if this is why School isn't updating right now, but prints is getting new prints added.