Solving System of Linear Equations with CUDA and cuBLAS

Primary LanguageC++


This program was presented as a final project of the subject called: "Seminar" in April 2013.

The project implements many iterative methods for solving sys- tem of linear equations.


I implemented a generic code for showing the use of the different created libraries. I use a generic matrix for illustrative purpose. You can take any of the libraries for solving a specific kind of matrix.


linearMatrix A(N,N);
linearMatrix B(N,1);
linearMatrix X(N,1);

//Call a rutine to prepare matrices
//Remember you can use the following method from "linearMatrix.hpp"
//void Read_File_Matrix(const char *Path);
//Read documentation for more info about matrix-file structure

Parallel P(A,B,X, error, iter); //Object with parallel methods
P.With_Jacobi(); //P.With_"METHOD_NAME"

linearMatrix SOLUTION(N,1);
SOLUTION = P.Get_Solution();

//example: SOLUTION.Write_File_Matrix("Solution.dat");

Repo Installation

I used the Nsight Eclipse IDE on Linux. I tested the project on the 5 and 5.5 editions.

  • Copy the NSL repo on your own cuda-workspace
  • Go to File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
  • Select the NSL repo
  • Click Finish


To configure the compiler please go:

  • Project -> Properties -> Build -> Settings

Then edit into the NVCC Compiler the "All options" section:

-l/home/YOUR_HOME/cuda-workspace/NSL/include -G -g -O0


In the perfomance timing analysis I put the starting clocks after the cublas structures initializations, so for better performance timing analysis put the clocks before the cublas initializations.