Bookmark Manager


  • Show a list of bookmarks
  • Add new bookmarks
  • Delete bookmarks
  • Update bookmarks
  • Comment on bookmarks
  • Tag bookmarks into categories
  • Filter bookmarks by tag
  • Users are restricted to manage only their own bookmarks

User Stories

As a user, So that I can see all my bookmarks, I'd like to see a list of my bookmarks.

As a user, So that I can see all my bookmarks, I'd like to add a new bookmark.

As a user, So that I can edit my bookmarks, I'd like to be able to delete bookmarks.

As a user, So that I can change my bookmarks, I'd like to be able to update bookmarks.

As a user, So that I can add additional information, I'd like to comment on bookmarks.

As a user, So that I can organise my bookmarks, I'd like to be able to tag bookmarks into categories.

As a user, So that I can find relevant bookmarks, I'd like to be able to filter bookmarks by tag.

As a manager, So that I can prevent users from accessing other users bookmarks, I'd like to be able to restrict users to manage only their own bookmarks.

Domain Modelling

domain modelling

SQL Set Up

  • Connect to psql
  • Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager;
  • Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager;
  • Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql

For rspec

  • Connect to psql
  • Create the database using the psql command CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager_test;
  • Connect to the database using the pqsl command \c bookmark_manager_test;
  • Run the query we have saved in the file 01_create_bookmarks_table.sql