For group project of Computer Graph on 3D reconstruct. The whole project implementation is written by us without calling any external code library.
In this project, we dive into the problem of conversion between polygonal mesh, point cloud and voxel grid. Given a dataset of 3D models formatted in .obj/.stl, we implement algorithms that transform these formats into voxel and point cloud representation, and also algorithms transform the result backward to polygonal mesh. We implement the Greedy Projection Triangulation algrithm and Marching Cube from scratch without any external library’s help, and final obtain a high-quality conversion between 3D models
Just put the stl model in stl2obj/, and change the coresponding filename in stl2obj/ , and run it.
We simply delete all the triangle faces information in the .obj file and then we can get a point cloud model.
We have tried two ways to convert in GreedyTrangulation/ and Marching Cube/ corresponding to the two algorithms: Fast greedy triangulation algorithm and Marching Cube algorithm.
We expend extend the Marching Cube algorithms to tackle this job. All the codes are implemented in Marching Cube/