Technical Test


This project implements a Node.js microservices architecture using Express for CRUD operations. The data is stored in MongoDB, and the application includes JWT-based authentication. The project also integrates with Redis for caching.

Table of Contents


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js: v20
  • npm: v10
  • MongoDB: Installed and running locally or on a remote server
  • Redis: Installed and running locally or on a remote server
  • Postman: Installed for API testing

Project Setup

1. Clone the Repository

cd ms-fadhilamadan-betest

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory of the project and configure the following environment variables:

# Application configuration

# JWT configuration

# Redis configuration

# MongoDB configuration

Ensure that they are correctly set according to your environment.

Sample User Credentials

For convenience, the following sample user credentials are provided. You can use these to log in and test the application's authentication and user management features.

  • Username: fadhilamadan
  • Password: password

These credentials are pre-populated in the database. You can use them directly to generate a JWT token via the login API.

Running the Application

1. Start the Application

To start the application in development mode:

npm run dev

This command will start the application using nodemon, a tool that automatically reloads the server when code changes are detected. If you don't already have nodemon installed globally, you can install it by running npm install -g nodemon.

2. Accessing the APIs

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000/api. You can use Postman or any other API client to interact with the endpoints.

API Endpoints (sample)

1. Account Login

  • POST /api/account/login
    • Request Body:
        "userName": "fadhilamadan",
        "password": "password"
    • Response:
        "token": "JWT Token"

2. User Info

  • GET /api/user/accountNumber/:accountNumber

    • Request Header: Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
    • Response:
        "userId": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "accountNumber": "string",
        "emailAddress": "string",
        "registrationNumber": "string"
  • GET /api/user/registrationNumber/:registrationNumber

    • Request Header: Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
    • Response:
        "userId": "string",
        "fullName": "string",
        "accountNumber": "string",
        "emailAddress": "string",
        "registrationNumber": "string"

3. JWT Authentication

  • API endpoints are protected using JWT authentication. You must include a valid JWT token in the Authorization header of your requests.

JWT Authentication

1. Generating a JWT Token

To generate a JWT token, send a POST request to the /api/account/login endpoint with the user’s credentials. The server will respond with a JWT token if the credentials are valid.

2. Using the JWT Token

Include the JWT token in the Authorization header of your requests:

Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>

Caching with Redis

1. Setting Cache

The application caches user information in Redis. When fetching user data by accountNumber or registrationNumber, the application first checks the Redis cache before querying MongoDB.

2. Configuration

Ensure Redis is running and configured correctly in the .env file.

Unit Testing

1. Running Unit Tests

The project includes unit tests to verify the functionality of the application. You can run the tests using:

npm run test

This command will execute all the tests using Jest.

Postman Collection

To test the API endpoints:

  1. Access the Postman Collection: Click here to open the collection.
  2. Set Environment: Set the url to your API (e.g., and add your token after logging in.
  3. Send Requests: Use the predefined requests in the collection to interact with the API.