
AGH Space Systems - rekrutacja / zadanie nr 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recruitment task no. 2

Recruitment task for AGH Space Systems. Basic API for communication with the database


Following stuff must be installed to run this app:


  1. Clone or download this repository git clone https://github.com/Fadikk367/aghss-zad2.git ,

  2. Go to main directory of cloned repository,

  3. Run npm install command in your console.

Setting things up

In ".env" file you must assign some stuff to variables:

  • DB_CONNECTION = < mongodb connection string here >

Visit mongodb site for help, after logging in to MongoDB Atlas account go to: clusters > connect > connect your application, select version 2.2.12 or later (3.0.0 or later may cause some random authorization problems)

  • DB_NAME = < database name >
  • COLLECTION_NAME = < collection name >


Finally you can write npm start in your terminal (in project main folder).


If running locally, don't forget about "localhost:3000" prefix. If running on some hosting then your domain name is your prefix. "/addOne" route is built to handle data from request body.

  • /getAll - getting all data from the database,
  • /getOne/:id - getting single document with given id,
  • /addOne - adding new document to the database,
  • /delete/:id - deleting document with given id.

Built With

  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
  • Express.js - Node.js server framework
  • MongoDB - general purpose, noSQL, document-based database