
Java Swing app for stock management

Primary LanguageJava

Inventory Management System

An inventory management system built using Java Swing and connected to a MySQL database.

Table of Contents


This inventory management system allows users to perform various operations related to managing stock, categories, and sales. It is built using Java Swing for the GUI and connected to a MySQL database for data storage.


  • Save an Article: Record an article, setting its stock quantity to zero.
  • Display List of Articles in Stock: Showcase the list of articles in stock along with their respective categories.
  • Display Article Categories: Present the categories of articles.
  • Modify or Delete an Article: Edit or remove an article from the stock (deletion is subject to prior control).
  • Search for an Article in Stock: Find an article within the stock.
  • Display Total Number of Articles in Stock: Show the overall count of articles in stock.
  • Display List of Articles Below Restocking Threshold: View the list of articles below the restocking threshold.
  • Restock an Article: Replenish the stock of an article.
  • Sell an Article Available in Stock: Conduct the sale of an article present in the stock.
  • Display List of Sold Articles: Present the list of articles that have been sold.
  • Display List of Article Restockings: Show the history of article restockings.
  • Provide Receipt after Each Article Sale: Generate a receipt after each article sale.
  • Authentication: Users must authenticate before gaining access to the application.






Articles below the restocking threshold (colored in red)


Add a article



Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) installed
  • MySQL database server installed
  • Code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse)
  • Git installed (for cloning the repository)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Fadilix/articles-management.git


  • Go in the main folder and run Main.java

Database setup

  • Create a MySQL database named gestion_articles.
  • Import the provided SQL script to set up the necessary tables:
    • Go the in the sql folder
    • Use the gestion_articles.sql file