
Simple client-server Blackjack game.


Simple client-server Blackjack game.

##Funcionality Client can play Blackjack with table. There is only one table for each client and one deck for each game.

##Machanics Client posts requests to different URL and recieves PublicTable structure packed in Json as an answer.

Types of requests:

  1. Begin game * URL: http://[server]:[port]/begin * Message: '[bid]' * Result: Server generates new ID for client and creates new Table structure.
  2. Split (Optional, only if it's the first move) * URL: http://:/game-[client ID] * Message: 'SPLIT' * Result: If player has two equal cards, server splits player card set into two separate sets. From now on player has two card sets.
  3. Insure (Optional, only if it's the first move) * URL: http://:/game-[client ID] * Message: 'INSURE' * Result: If croupier has ace or 10, server marks boolean insured in Table. If croupier wins, client receives his bid back.
  4. Double (Optional, only if it's the first move) * URL: http://:/game-[client ID] * Message: 'DOUBLE' * Result: Player doubles his bid.
  5. Take * URL: http://:/game-[client ID] * Message: 'TAKE' * Result: Player receives new card.
  6. Pass * URL: http://:/game-[client ID] * Message: 'PASS' * Result: Game ends. Croupier makes his moves, and server evaluates who wins.


  class Card:
    def __init__(self, color, rank) 
      #color - 'D' Diamonds, 'C' Clubs, 'H' Hearts, 'S' Spades
      #rank - number from 1 to 13
      self.color = color
      self.rank = rank
    def get_rank(self):
      return self.rank
  from random import shuffle
  class Deck:
    def __init__(self):
      self.cards = [];
      colors = ['D','C','H','S']
      for c in colors
        for r in range(1,14)
    def shuffle(self):
    def get_card(self):
      return self.cards.pop()
  class PublicTable:
    def __init__(self, bid):
      self.insurance = 0
      self.state = 0
      self.client_cards_1 = []
      self.client_cards_2 = []
      self.bid = bid
      self.croupier_cards = [c,] 
  class Table:
    def __init__(self, c, bid):
      self.deck = Deck()
      self.croupier_card = self.deck.get_card()
      self.public_table = PublicTable(self.deck, bid)
      self.game_state = 0
    def add_card(self):
      if len(self.public_table.client_cards_2) != 0:
      self.game_state = 1
    def double(self)
      if self.game_state == 0:
        self.public_table.bid *= 2
      self.game_state = 1      
    def split(self)
      if self.game_state == 0:
        if len(self.public_table.client_cards_1) == 2 and self.public_table.client_cards_1[0].get_rank() == self.public_table.client_cards_1[1].get_rank():
    def insure(self):
      if self.game_state == 0:
        if len(self.public_table.croupier_cards) == 1 and (self.public_table.croupier_cards[0].get_rank() == 10 or self.public_table.croupier_cards[0].get_rank() == 11):
          self.public_table.insurance = True   
    def pass(self):