
full stack OAuth application using Github to authenticate

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Full stack application that uses cookies and server-side sessions to authenticate and authorize the user. Used Passport.js library to authenticate with Github as a third-party authentication site. Set up mySQL database using migrations and seeds Built some functionality to use the authentication and authorization practically:

  • having protected endpoints
  • updating data on the server based on user login state
  • having conditional client-side UI based on login state

Code along lesson from BrainStation.

Tech Stack used:

Front-end: React.JS, Axios, React-router-dom, Sass

Back-end: Node.JS, Express.JS, mySQL, Knex.JS, Passport.JS with dependencies casual, cors, dotenv, helmet, nodemon.

To run application:

Please register the application with GitHub to use it for Auth. Create the application at the GitHub Applications page. For the Homepage URL, you can enter http://localhost:5050 and for the Authorization callback URL, you can enter http://localhost:5050/auth/github/callback.

cd into client and server folders and npm install the relevant dependencies, then npm run dev for server and npm start for client.

For server .env:

You can enter any random string or word but to make it more secure you can generate one


GITHUB_CLIENT_ID= # copy this from your GitHub application page GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET= # copy this from your GitHub application page (you might need to generate a new client secret) GITHUB_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:5050/auth/github/callback # this is an Authorization callback URL value from your GitHub application page
