Experimenting Rust gamedev on ODROID-GO Advance.
This project started as a relatively small experiment targeting a handheld-console, but it has grown while following a community-driven OpenGL learning effort.
- Data-driven design
- Scene graph
- Shadow mapping
- glTF loading
- Physically Based Rendering
- Normal mapping
Have a look at the wiki to find a list of technical articles written during development.
RustSpot works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows, but it will need Rust and SDL2. It should not be difficult to setup the required dependencies and run the demos, but do not hesitate to contact me if you need any help.
To link SDL2 in Windows, you can:
Compile SDL2 sources:
cmake -S. -Bbuild && cmake --build build --config Release
Specify its library path:
RUSTFLAGS='-L <SDL2>/build/Release' cargo build