
Primary LanguagePython

DVD Rental API

  • Overview
  • Repo content
  • Setup
  • Server calls
  • Acknowledgment


The web service builds 3 containers; flask web application container, nginx server for reverse proxy handling and a NoSQL mongodb database for which we import 2 collections to manually.

Repo content:

  • docker-compose.yml: docker instructions to handle the deployment of different containers.
  • app: Flask web application.
    • Dockerfile: particular instructions for the web application container setup
    • app.py: The flask app code with the logic of handling the GET calls.
    • requirements.txt: python lib requirements to run the service.
    • wsgi.py: python web server gateway interface ¯_(ツ)_/¯ .
  • nginx: nginx web server container that handles reverse proxy.
    • conf.d: contains app.conf, configuration for nginx and upstream server.
  • data: 2 json files that are loaded as collections to MongoDB.


Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Clone the repo locally and cd to it. Then follow these steps:

  • Run docker compose to build all the services. the 'd' - detached - flag could be ommited: $ docker-compose up -d

  • Run an interactive shell using: $ docker exec -it mongodb bash

  • Log in to mongo DB using the root username and password defined in docker-compose. $ mongo -u mongodbuser -p mongodbpass

  • Create a flaskdb with use command ```> use flaskdb;`

  • Create db user using the user provided in the docker-cmpose for flask

> db.createUser({user: 'flaskuser', pwd: 'flaskpass', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'flaskdb'}]})
> exit
  • Log in into authenticated DB with the following, then exit db and interactive shell.
$ mongo -u flaskuser -p flaskpass --authenticationDatabase flaskdb;
> exit
  • Copy the 2 data json files to mongodb container:
$ docker cp data/DVDRentals-customers.json mongodb:/tmp/customers.json
$ docker cp data/DVDRentals-films.json  mongodb:/tmp/films.json
  • Import the 2 json files into flaskdb as 2 collections.:
$ docker exec -i mongodb sh -c 'mongoimport -d flaskdb -c customers -u flaskuser -p flaskpass --file /tmp/customers.json --drop'
$ docker exec -i mongodb sh -c 'mongoimport -d flaskdb -c films -u flaskuser -p flaskpass --file /tmp/films.json --drop'

Making server RESTFUL API calls:

We can use curlfrom the command line to the different endpoints.

  • Main page call to make sure it is working: $ curl -i

  • Get all customers(no offset or limit is set here): $ curl -i

  • Get all films: $ curl -i

  • Get a film by id: $ curl -i<film_id>

  • Get a customer by id: $ curl -i<customer_id>


The docker-compose files are provided here

NOTE: To stop the service with all the container connections run: $docker-compose down Note that for the mongodb we are presisting the data using a local volume.