
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Pipeline Exercise

  • Overview
  • Repo content
  • Setup
  • Server calls
  • Stopping the service.


The web service builds 2 containers; flask web application container and a mongoDB NoSQL database.

Repo content:

  • docker-compose.yml: docker instructions to handle the deployment of different containers.

  • app: Flask web application.

    • Dockerfile: particular instructions for the web application container setup
    • main.py: The flask app code with the logic of handling the GET calls.
    • requirements.txt: python lib requirements to run the service.
  • data: 1 csv file:

    • sample_mixed_comma.csv: the sample_mixed.csv file with the delimiter changed to "," using pandas.


Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Clone the repo locally and cd to it. Then follow these steps:

  • Run docker compose to build all the services. the 'd' - detached - flag could be ommited: $ docker-compose up -d

  • Run an interactive shell using: $ docker exec -it mongodb bash

  • Log in to mongo DB using the root username and password defined in docker-compose. $ mongo -u mongodbuser -p mongodbpass

  • Create a flaskdb with use command ```> use flaskdb;`

  • Create db user using the user provided in the docker-cmpose for flask

> db.createUser({user: 'flaskuser', pwd: 'flaskpass', roles: [{role: 'readWrite', db: 'flaskdb'}]})
> exit
  • Log in into authenticated DB with the following, then exit db and interactive shell.
$ mongo -u flaskuser -p flaskpass --authenticationDatabase flaskdb;
> exit
  • Copy the csv files to mongodb container:
$ docker cp data/sample_mixed_comma.csv mongodb:/tmp/vessels.csv
  • Import the 2 json files into flaskdb as 2 collections.:
docker exec -i mongodb sh -c 'mongoimport -d flaskdb -c vessels -u flaskuser -p flaskpass --type=csv --headerline --file /tmp/vessels.csv --drop'

Making server RESTFUL API calls:

We can use curlfrom the command line to the different endpoints. Note that the 5000 port is mapped to port 80 on host. This can be changed as well in the docker-compose file.

  • Main page call to make sure it is working: $ curl -i

  • Get all 'dirty' vessels: $ curl -i

  • Get all 'dirty' number of barrels with optional start_date / end_date:

# query params are optoinal
$ curl -i<year-month-day>&end_date=<year-month-day>

Stopping the containers:

To stop the service with all the container connections run: $docker-compose down

NOTE: Possbily in this case, it could be best to use GraphQL to minimise the complexity of endpoints and reduce the data transfer of the queried data.