WYSIWYG form type for Symfony2 using WYSIHTML5 and HTMLPurifier libraries

Primary LanguageJavaScript


WYSIWYG-Editor form widget for Symfony2 based on wysihtml forked from WYSIHTML5. MIT License.


Step 1: Install dependencies

Install the required LcnIncludeAssetsBundle.

Step 2: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require locaine/lcn-wysihtml5-bundle "~1.0"

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 3: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding the following line in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new Lcn\WYSIHTML5Bundle\LcnWYSIHTML5Bundle(),

        // ...

    // ...


In your Form class, set the field type "lcn_wysihtml5" whenever you want to output the WYSIWYG-Editor.

$form = $this->createFormBuilder($entity)->add('your_html_field', 'lcn_wysihtml5');

That's it. You're done.


You can customize the default settings by overriding them in your app/config/parameters.yml or app/config/config.yml file.

Available editor commands

    # configure the editor commands
        - { command: bold }
        - { command: italic }
        - { command: insertUnorderedList }
        - { command: insertOrderedList }
        - { command: formatBlock, value: h1 }
        - { command: formatBlock, value: h2 }

Use custom Stylsheets and Javascripts for advanced customizations

You can configure the included assets to achieve any configuration provided by the wysihtml editor. For more details, consult the documentation.

    # stylesheets get included directly in the web page with the form widget
        - /bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/controls.css

    # stylesheets get included in the editor's sandboxed iframe
    # and should be included when outputting the generated html code.
    # you might want to add some base stylsheets from your own theme
        - /bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/content.css

    lcn_wysihtml5.parser_rules: /bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/parser_rules.js

Customize HTMLPurifier Options for Server Side Sanitization

            - wysiwyg-color-primary
            - wysiwyg-color-secondary
            - wysiwyg-float-left
            - wysiwyg-float-right
            - wysiwyg-clear-left
            - wysiwyg-clear-right

Customize existing colors

The editor uses class names to apply pre-defined colors:

You need to adjust the colors in the css file (set your own theme):

        - /bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/content.css

This stylesheet gets automatically included in the editor. However, you have to manually include this stylesheet in your page where you output the html code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/content.css">

Add or remove colors

Configure the available colors in the editor toolbar:

    # configure the editor commands
        - { command: foreColor, values: [primary, secondary] }

Configure the allowed color class names for Frontend validation in your own custom parser_rules set:

    lcn_wysihtml5.parser_rules: /bundles/lcnwysihtml5/dist/themes/basic/parser_rules.js

Configure the allowed color class names for Server-Side validation using HTMLPurifier:

            - wysiwyg-color-primary
            - wysiwyg-color-secondary