
A simple C++ Telegram Channels Post helper bot

Primary LanguageC++

Build Status

Channel Post helper bot


  • Fill in the ./cfg/channelid with your channel ID and the ./cfg/channelname with your channel name for the bot, or else it can't help you with posting;
  • Fill in the ./cfg/ownerid and ./cfg/adminsids your Telegram account ID (or else you can't use admin and post commands);
  • Get a token and bot username from the @BotFather bot and fill in the file botkey.h;
  • Build bot via ./build.sh (or directly run the cmake in output directory with arguments);
  • Run in shell / cron / .sh-script / etc.
  • Have fun!


  • C++14 (you also could try to build with C++11 compiler);
  • cmake;
  • curl;
  • nlohmann json (file json.hpp);

Available Commands

  • /addadmin - adds a new admin for your channel. The bot will ask you user ID or @username of new admin. This user can post messages to your channel using your post command;
  • /cancel - cancels current command;
  • /removeadmin - removes admin from list. The bot will ask you user ID or @username of admin. Use the /cancel if you don't want to remove admin;
  • post command (default /post, see "Customizing Post Command" for change its name) - create a new post. This command is available only for users which user id is written in line of file ./cfg/adminsids or @username is written in line of file ./cfg/adminsnames. After using that command the bot will ask you for a message. So far it supports image messages, possible in future in will support any groups of messages.

Customizing Post Command

You can change the post command name writing the quoted string into the ./cfg/postcommandname file.