
Example notes application built with RESTHeart, AngularJS and restangular

Primary LanguageCSSGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


An example notes application built with RESTHeart, AngularJS and MongoDB.

Clone this repository locally

$ git clone git@github.com:SoftInstigate/restheart-notes-example.git
$ cd restheart-notes-example

Install mongodb and RESTHeart

For detailed installation instructions refer to the documentation.

However the quickest way is using docker:

$ docker pull mongo
$ docker pull softinstigate/restheart
$ docker run -d --name mongodb mongo:3.0
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name restheart --link mongodb:mongodb softinstigate/restheart

After the docker mongodb and restheart containers are started in background, you can check the logs by issuing the docker logs command

$ docker logs mongodb
$ docker logs restheart

Then you might need to adjust the RESTHEART_URL variable value in the following file:


Edit this line:


Setting the IP (in this case, which should be the one with boot2docker) with the one of the restheart container; it might be the localhost or, if you are using boot2docker, you can retrive it with the command:

boot2docker ip

Create the data model

We will be using the RESTHeart API with httpie (you can also use another http client such as curl)

$ http -a admin:changeit PUT descr="restheart notes example db"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

$ http -a admin:changeit PUT descr="notes collection"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Start the Web app

First of all you have to install Node.js for your system https://nodejs.org.

Then check you have the latest npm installed

npm update -g npm

Install Grunt and Bower tools

npm install -g bower grunt-cli

Run bower install. If Bower asks you for the AngularJS version, choose 1.3.0.

bower install

Finally run grunt serve for preview, after a while it should starts the default browser at http://localhost:9000/#/signin

grunt serve

To login in the Web app, you can use the admin user with password changeit

For more information on RESTHeart security setting refer to the documentation.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.

Made with ❤️ by The SoftInstigate Team. Follow us on Twitter.