
The Coursework 2 of Introduction to Machine Learning.

By He Liu, Kejian Shi, Qianyi Li, Shitian Jin

I. Instruction for Program

This program is written based on Python, simply run and directly to start the script of Part 1 & Part 2 respectively.

II. Files in this project:

Part 1 of the coursework where we implemented a mini-library of the neural network. Check this file for imformation about


  • MSELossLayer
  • CrossEntropyLossLayer
  • SigmoidLayer
  • ReluLayer
  • LinearLayer
  • MultiLayerNetwork
  • Trainer


  • _init_()
  • forward()
  • backward()
  • update_params()
  • shuffle()
  • ...

Part 2 of the coursework where we created and trained a neural network for regression. Check this file for imformation about


  • LinearRegressorModel
  • Regressor


  • _init_()
  • _preprocessor()
  • fit()
  • predict()
  • score()
  • RegressorHyperParameterSearch()
  • ...


Our best model in part 2 saved as a pickle file.


The training evaluation result in HyperparameterSearch section in a csv file.

III. Implementation of the Neural Network (If you are interested...)

Part 1: Create a neural network mini-library

  • Implemented in

1.1 Implement a linear layer.

  • In class LinearLayer:
  • _init_(): Constructor
  • forward(): Forward pass method
  • backward(): Backward pass method
  • update_params(): Parameter update method

1.2 Implement activation function classes.

  • In class SigmoidLayer and ReluLayer:
  • forward(): Forward pass method
  • backward(): Backward pass method

1.3 Implement a multi-layer network.

  • In class MultiLayerNetwork:
  • _init_(): Constructor
  • forward(): Forward pass method
  • backward(): Backward pass method
  • update_params(): Parameter update method

1.4 Implement a trainer.

  • In class Trainer:
  • _init_(): Constructor
  • shuffle(): Data shuffling
  • train(): Main training loop
  • eval_loss(): Computing evaluation loss

1.5 Implement a preprocessor.

  • In class Preprocessor:
  • _init_(): Constructor
  • apply(): Apply method
  • revert(): Revert method

Part 2: Create and train a neural network for regression

  • In this part we aim to infer the median house value from all other attributes in a given dataset.
  • The dataset housing.csv is given, it covers all the block groups in California from the 1990 Census, contains 20,640 observations on ten variables:
  1. longitude: longitude of the block group
  2. latitude: latitude of the block group
  3. housing median age: median age of the individuals living in the block group
  4. total rooms: total number of rooms in the block group
  5. total bedrooms: total number of bedrooms in the block group
  6. population: total population of the block group
  7. households: number of households in the block group
  8. median income: median income of the households comprise in the block group
  9. ocean proximity: proximity to the ocean of the block group
  10. median house value: median value of the houses of the block group

2.1 Implement an architecture for regression

  • _preprocessor(): Preprocessor method
  • _init_(): Constructor method
  • fit(): Model-training method

2.2 Set up model evaluation

  • predict(): Prediction method
  • score(): Evaluation method

2.3 Perform hyperparameter tuning

  • RegressorHyperParameterSearch(): Perform a hyperparameter search

IV. Final Report

  • The final report of this coursework has been located in \report directory, it contains intro_to_ML_cw2_report_final.pdf and its LaTeX file compressed within zip.