
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


The Coursework 1 of Introduction to Machine Learning.

By He Liu, Kejian Shi, Qianyi Li, Shitian Jin

I. Instruction for Program

This program is written based on Python, simply run main.py directly to start the script.

To generate tree visualisation diagram, run visualize function in utils.py.

II. Files in this project:


Run this file to start the project.


Read this file to get an idea of how this project is implemented step by step.


The decision tree is implemented in this file as a class. Please check it for

  • decision_tree_learning()
  • find_split()
  • prune()
  • predict()
  • ...


The evaluation functions are implemented in this file in a class named MyMetric. Check this file for imformation about

  • confusion_matrix()
  • accuracy()
  • precision()
  • recall()
  • f1()
  • ...

III. Implementation of Decision Tree (If you are interested...)

Step 1: Read files

  • Two files clean.txt and noisy.txt are given, in each of them there are signal data (features) for each of the seven wifis and a lable indicating which room it is.

Step 2: Creating Decision Trees

  • 2.1 Defining information gain function. Functions in utils.py

  • 2.2 find_split function and Decision tree creating. Implemented in Decision_tree.py

    • Decision tree is defined as a class with find_split and decision_tree_learning as functions in it.
    • Nodes are defined as classes, also in this file.

Step 3: Evaluation

  • 3.1 n_fold_splitn. This is implemented in utils.py
    • Devides the datasets into N folds
  • 3.2 Cross Validation. in utils.py
    • Do cross validation on the n folds
  • 3.3 Calculating Confusion Matrix, recall, accuracy, f1. In metric.py
    • The evaluation methods are implemented.

Step 4: Pruning

  • 4.1 Nested cross validation (option2). In utils.py
  • 4.2 Prune the tree. Pruning function implemented in Decision_tree.py
  • 4.3 Calculating confusion matrix, recall, accuracy, f1 after pruning

Bonus part: Drawing the decision tree. This is implemented in the utils.py

IV. Final Report

  • The final report of this coursework has been located in \report directory, it contains intro_to_ML_cw1_report_final.pdf and its LaTeX file compressed within zip.