This repository contains all projects submitted during the Udacity Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree.
- Deploy static website on AWS (Not included in this repo)
- Configure and upload files in S3 bucket
- Secure bucket via IAM
- Distribute website via CloudFront
- Deploy a high availability web app by using cloud formation
- Security groups
- Load balancer
- Subnets / Auto balancing
- Jenkins Pipelines on AWS
- EC2 - Ubuntu
- Jenkins
- Setup pipelines and AWS credentials in Jenkins
- Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API
- CircleCI
- Hadolint
- Docker
- Kubernetes (minikube, kubectl)
- Capstone
- Jenkins
- Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Elastic Container Registry
- Docker
- Cloud Formation
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- AWS account
- [Dockerhub] ( account
- CircleCi account
- Deploy a static website and design the AWS infra.
- Deploy an ML microservice using Docker and Kubernetes.
- Deploy a website using Docker and EKS.
Distributed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE
for more information.
Fairoza Amira Binti Hamzah - @DrFairoza
Special thanks to Udacity and Bertelsmann for providing this scholarships.