Game Store

A video games library

A video game website that allow you to view games info.

Getting Started

To run this project on your local machine, fork and clone the repo from github.
Install all dependencies by running npm i in the project directory terminal inside ClientApp folder.
Run dotnet run to start your app.


Download the project.


  • listing Games from game api

Game Details

Click on the game to see more info

Future Updates

  • tablet browsers support
  • phone browsers support
  • searching Games by title
  • add games to your favorite list
  • manage your favorite list
  • Adding already played tab
  • Adding the ability to add comments on games that already have been played
  • Adding the ability to Drag and Drop
  • Adding more animations
  • Adding more Styling

Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • js
  • React
  • Axios
  • .Net
  • npm
  • React-bootstrap
  • Rsuitejs

Run the game Requirement:

All application components are usable across modern desktop, tablet and phone browsers .


API Method Router URL
rawg GET /games

معلومات المتدرب

المدرب: محمد الجاسر

المتدرب: فيصل الصقري

المجموعة: امالا