
  • Certification
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Static S3 Website: Using terraform, create S3 bucket for hosting
  • [] HTTPS : Using terraform, create Cloudfront distribution to enable security
  • [] DNS : Point a custom DNS domain name to the CloudFront distribution
  • [] Javascript: Include a visitor counter that displays how many people have accessed the site
  • [] Database: Using terraform, create a dynamodb database to retrieve and update the counts
  • [] API : Using terraform, create AWS API gateway and Lambda function for communication between the web app and the database
  • [] Python: For the code the Lambda function
  • [] Tests : Tests for the python code
  • [] CI/CD : Use github actions for both frontend and backend
  • [] Blogpost : Publish a blogpost on the challenge

Commands terraform init -backend-config=backend.hcl