
A docker stack for dev PHP Silversrtipe application on AWS EC2/ECS prod.

Primary LanguagePHP


A docker stack for dev and AWS EC2/ECS prod.


Ensure these are installed before going further:

  • docker@^17.09.0-ce
  • docker-compose@^1.16.1
  • nvm@latest & node@^8.7.0


1. setup

npm run setup

2. run

npm start

You can begin editing code on your host machine, changes will be detected and all relevant processes restarted or live-reloaded inside their containers.

3. inspect

npm start (restarts and rebuilds all services if necessary)

npm run stack -- ps (lists all running services)
npm run stack -- restart db/front/phpmyadmin (restarts one or more services)

npm run logs nginx front (attaches to logs of one or more services)


1. setup

npm run setup

2. secrets

nano .env
// set appropriate variables for production environment
// salt generator: https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/

3. inspect

npm run start:prod (restarts and rebuilds all services if necessary)

npm run stack:prod -- ps (lists all running services)
npm run stack:prod -- restart api (restarts one or more services)

npm run logs:prod db (attaches to logs of one or more services)