
Portfolio using React JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Portfolio Site

Portfolio using React JS


It is a personal «Portfolio» page.
[made with: React JS, SCSS & HTML + Responsive layout].

version: Apr. 2022, created by Gleb 'Faitsuma' Kiryakov

GitHub Pages: https://faitsumaru.github.io/PortfolioSite/


  1. Create empty React project:

npx create-react-app name_of_folder

  1. App commands:
    (Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser)

    • Runs the app in the development mode:

      npm start

    • Launch the test runner in the intaractive watch mode:

      npm test

    • Build the app for production to the 'build' folder:

      npm run build

    • Deploy the React app to GitHub Pages (to gh-pages branch)

      npm run deploy

  2. The steps to add Sass to Create React App are:

    • Install node-sass:

      npm install node-sass

    • Convert your .css files to .scss.
    • Import your .scss files in your React components like App.js.
  3. React Icons:

npm install react-icons --save

  1. VK icons:

npm i @vkontakte/icons --save

  1. EmailJS for form:

npm install emailjs-com --save
