
LLMs on distributed file systems.

Primary LanguageRust


p2pllm is a distributed Large Language Model (LLM) system that leverages HDFS, libp2p, and other Rust libraries to enable parallel LLM processing and P2P file sharing across multiple computers.


  • Distributed file system using HDFS
  • P2P file sharing using libp2p
  • LLM parallelization using tch-rs (PyTorch C++ API)
  • Task scheduling and load balancing with Tokio
  • Fault tolerance and data redundancy using Sled
  • Secure communication with rustls and rust-crypto


  • A properly configured Hadoop cluster with HDFS
  • Rust toolchain (stable)
  • HDFS client installed on participating computers



  1. Clone the p2pllm repository:
git clone https://github.com/faizchishtie/p2pllm.git
cd p2pllm
  1. Build the p2pllm project:
cargo build --release

The p2pllm binary will be available in the target/release directory.


  1. Clone the p2pllm repository:
git clone https://github.com/faizchishtie/p2pllm.git
cd p2pllm

Note: you can run make build-and-start to do the following.

  1. Build the Docker image:
docker build -t p2pllm .
  1. Run the Docker container:
docker run -d -p 50070:50070 -p 8088:8088 -p 19888:19888 -p 9000:9000 --name p2pllm p2pllm


To upload a binary file containing model weights, you'll need to provide a loader script that converts the binary file to a TorchScript format. You can find instructions on creating and submitting loader parsers in the Loaders file.

Uploading LLM binary file

./p2pllm upload -f /path/to/llm_binary -d /destination/on/hdfs

Connecting to a distributed LLM

./p2pllm connect -m model_id

Interacting with the LLM

Making predictions

./p2pllm predict -m model_id -i "input text"