
Vemcache is an in-memory vector database.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Vemcache is an in-memory vector database.

Vemcache can be thought of as the Redis equivalent for vector databases.

Getting Started


  • Docker: To run Vemcache using Docker, you need to have Docker installed on your system. You can install Docker by following the instructions on the Docker website.
  • Rust: To build and run Vemcache, you need Rust and Cargo installed on your system. You can install them using rustup.

Building Vemcache

Using Docker

  1. Pull the Vemcache image from dockerhub
docker pull faizchishtie/vemcache
  1. Run the image
docker run --rm -it -p 7070:7070 faizchishtie/vemcache:latest

Using docker-compose

Add the following to your docker-compose.yml

version: "3.7"

    image: faizchishtie/vemcache:latest
      - "7070:7070"
      - VEMCACHE_PORT=7070
      - VEMCACHE_SECRET=mysecret


  1. Clone the Vemcache repository:
git clone https://github.com/faizchishtie/vemcache.git
cd vemcache
  1. Build Vemcache:
make build
  1. Run Vemcache
make run

Using Vemcache

Connect to Vemcache with a TCP client like telnet or nc.

Use telnet to connect to Vemcache

telnet 7070

Or use nc

nc 7070

Once connected, you can interact with the Vemcache server by sending commands.

Inserting Vectors

To insert a vector into the database, use the insert command followed by the vector values:

insert 0.5 0.7 0.2

To insert a vector with a specified key, use the named_insert command followed by the key and vector values:

named_insert my_vector 0.5 0.7 0.2

Retrieving Vectors

To retrieve a vector from the database using its key, use the get command followed by the key:

get my_vector

Removing Vectors

To remove a vector from the database using its key, use the remove command followed by the key:

remove my_vector

Performing Vector Operations

To calculate the cosine similarity between two vectors, use the vcosine command followed by the keys of the two vectors:

vcosine vector1 vector2

To find the k nearest neighbors of a vector, use the knn command followed by the key of the query vector and the value of k:

knn query_vector 3

To perform element-wise addition of two vectors, use the vadd command followed by the keys of the two vectors:

vadd vector1 vector2

To perform element-wise subtraction of two vectors, use the vsub command followed by the keys of the two vectors:

vsub vector1 vector2

To scale a vector by a scalar value, use the vscale command followed by the key of the vector and the scalar value:

vscale vector1 2.0

Dumping the Database

To dump the database to a JSON file, use the dump command followed by the path to the file:

dump vemcache.json

Closing the Connection

To exit the client, press Ctrl+C or type quit (if using telnet).

This concludes the basic usage of Vemcache for vector operations. For more advanced operations and detailed explanations of each command, refer to the Vemcache documentation.

Example Session

# User connects to Vemcache using telnet
$ telnet 7070
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

# User inserts a vector with the key "vector_a"
named_insert vector_a 0.5 0.7 0.2

# User inserts another vector with the key "vector_b"
named_insert vector_b 0.1 0.9 0.4

# User retrieves the vector with the key "vector_a"
get vector_a
[0.5, 0.7, 0.2]

# User calculates the cosine similarity between "vector_a" and "vector_b"
vcosine vector_a vector_b
Cosine Similarity: 0.8693

# User finds the nearest neighbor of "vector_a" (k=2)
knn vector_a 2
ID: vector_a, Vector: [0.5, 0.7, 0.2]
ID: vector_b, Vector: [0.1, 0.9, 0.4]

# User performs element-wise addition of "vector_a" and "vector_b"
vadd vector_a vector_b
[0.6, 1.6, 0.6]

# User scales "vector_a" by a factor of 2
vscale vector_a 2.0
[1.0, 1.4, 0.4]

# User removes "vector_a" from the database
remove vector_a

# User attempts to retrieve "vector_a" again (expecting an error)
get vector_a

# Dump vemcache db
dump vemcache.json
Database dump successful: vemcache.json

# User exits the session
Connection closed by foreign host.