
Open Banking Authorization Java SDK

Primary LanguageJava


What is Java-SDK?

This SDK provides tools for the integration of the Open Banking authorization flow into your Java server application.

This repository contains two subfolders:

  • /source contains the SDK source code
  • /example contains an example on how to use the SDK

How to use SDK

First read throught the Authorization part of API documentation.

Account-information API documentation: https://<sandbox_portal_host_of_the_bank>/api-documentation/account-info-1.0

Payment-initiation API documentation: https://<sandbox_portal_host_of_the_bank>/api-documentation/payment-init-1.0

Create an OpenBankingAuth istance

OpenBankingAuth(String clientId, String privateKey, String keyID, String redirectUri, String tokenEndpointUri, String authEndpointUri, String scope) - constructor

Required parameters

  • clientId (e.g. myApp@account-info.1.0)
  • privateKey (your private key, the public key has to be uploded on the developer portal)
  • keyID (the id of the keypair in your keystore, can be any string)
  • redirectUri (the OAuth2 callback url of your application)
  • tokenEndpointUri (token endpoint uri of OIDC server)
  • authEndpointUri (authentication endpoint uri of OIDC server)
  • scope (depends on API, read documentation)


import com.fintechblocks.java.sdk.OpenBankingAuth;
import com.fintechblocks.java.sdk.Utils;
OpenBankingAuth accountInfoAuth = new OpenBankingAuth(clientId, privateKey, keyID, redirectUri, tokenEndpointUri, authEndpointUri, scope);

Get an access-token



String accessToken = accountInfoAuth.getAccessToken();

Generate authorization url

generateAuthorizationUrl(String intentId, String state, String nonce):String

Required parameters

  • intentId (identification of previously created intent, e.g. ConsentId)
  • state (random string)
  • nonce (random string)


String authUrl = accountInfoAuth.generateAuthorizationUrl(intentId, state, nonce);

Exhange authorization code to tokens

exchangeToken(String code):object

Required parameters

  • code (the authorization code received from the authorization server)


JsonNode newAccessTokenJson = accountInfoAuth.exchangeToken(request.getParameter("code"));

Extra functionality

Create signature header

createSignatureHeader(String body, String issuer):String

Required parameters

  • body (intent, e.g. an account-request)
  • issuer


Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put("x-jws-signature", accountInfoAuth.createSignatureHeader(body, issuer));

Check if a token is expired

isTokenExpired(String token [, Long expiredAfterSeconds]):boolean

Required parameters

  • token (jwt)

Optional parameters

  • expiredAfterSeconds (number of seconds * 1000)


boolean isExpired = accountInfoAuth.isTokenExpired(token, 5000); // will token expire after five seconds?

Use a refresh token

refreshToken(String refreshToken):String

Required parameters

  • token (refresh token)


JsonNode newTokens = accountInfoAuth.refreshToken(refreshToken);

How to run the example

Open example/src/main/webapp/accountinfo_example.jsp/example/src/main/webapp/paymentinit_example.jsp and replace <sandbox_api_host_of_the_bank> with correct value (e.g. api.sandbox.bank.hu). First build the source.

cd source
mvn clean install

Build the example.

cd example
mvn clean install

Run example on a web-server (e.g. tomcat).