
Open Banking Authorization PHP SDK

Primary LanguagePHP


What is Open Bankig Auth PHP-SDK?

This SDK provides tools for the integration of the Open Banking authorization flow into your PHP application.

This repository contains two subfolders:

  • /OpenBankingAuth contains the SDK source code
  • /examples contains an example on how to use the SDK

How to use this SDK

First read throught the Authorization part of API documentation.

[Account-information API documentation](/api-documentation/account-info-1.0)

[Payment-initiation API documentation](/api-documentation/payment-init-1.0)


include_once(BASE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."OpenBankingAuth".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."OpenBankingAuth.php");
$example = new OpenBankingAuth([
            'client_assertion_type' => '...jwt-bearer',
            'scope' => 'accounts',
            'authorizationEndpoint' => 'auth url',
            'tokenEndpoint' => 'token endpoint',
            'redirect_uri' => 'your application's url,
            'grant_type' => 'check the documentation',
            'client_id' => your client id,
            'private_key' => 'your private key',
            'scope' => 'check the documentation',
            'base_url' => 'the base url',
            'api_base_url' => 'api base url',
            'x-fapi-customer-ip-address' => 'your IP address'

Get an access-token



$accessTokenObj = $example->getAccessToken();

Generate authorization url

generateAuthorizationURL(String $intentId):String

Required parameters

  • $intentId (identification of previously created intent, e.g. ConsentId)


$authUrl = $example->generateAuthorizationURL($intentId);

Exhange authorization code to tokens

tokenExcange(String $code):object

Required parameters

  • $code (the authorization code received from the authorization server)


$accesAndRefreshToken = $example->tokenExcange($code);

Extra functionality

Create signature header

createSignatureHeader(String $body, String $keyid, String $issuer):String

Required parameters

  • $body (intent, e.g. an account-request)
  • $keyid
  • $issuer


$requestBody = new stdClass();
$requestBody->Data = new stdClass();
$requestBody->Data->Permissions = [""];
$requestBody->Data->ExpirationDateTime = "2019-08-02T00:00:00+00:00";
$requestBody->Data->TransactionFromDateTime = "2017-05-03T00:00:00+00:00";
$requestBody->Risk = new stdClass();
$kid = "12asf54as2g12sa5"
$issuer = "";
$signatureHeader = $example->createSignatureHeader($requestBody, $kid, $issuer);

Check if a token is expired

isTokenExpired(String $token, int $expiredAfterSeconds):boolean

Required parameters

  • $token

Optional parameters

  • $expiredAfterSeconds (number of seconds * 1000)


$example->isTokenExpired($token,5000) // will the token expire after five seconds?

Use a refresh token

refreshToken(String $refreshToken):Object

Required parameters

  • $token (refresh token)


$newTokens = $example->refreshToken($refreshToken);

How to run the example

You only need a Apache and php.