
Computer Vision Spring - IIITH - 2024

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Computer Vision - Spring 2024 - IIITH

Assignment 0

  1. Getting started with OpenCV.
  2. Implementing Chorma Keying using OpenCV.

Assignment 1

  1. Implementing Camera calibration from scratch.
  2. Camera calibration using OpenCV.
  3. Solving different tasks such as predicting chessboard wireframe, moving the chessboard etc using the calibration matrix.

Assignment 2

  1. SIFT-Bag of Visual Words-SVM based image classification and hyperparameter tuning for the same.
  2. Implementing LeNet using PyTorch and experimenting with different hyperparameters and comparing the results with SIFT-BoVW-SVM.
  3. Implementing ViT using Pytorch and comparing the results with CNN models.

Assignment 3

  1. Face detection and associated-based tracking on videos using OpenCV.
  2. Object detection using YOLO.
  3. Training different YOLO variants using ultralytics library and analyzing the results.

Assignment 4

  1. Implementing UNet using PyTorch for Image segmentation.
  2. Experimenting with skip connections in UNet.
  3. Setting up zero shot classification using CLIP model.
  4. CLIP vs Pretrained ResNet for image classification. Finding out examples where CLIP fails/works compared to ResNet.