Install the necessary dependencies: npm install express express-graphql graphql
{ clients { name } }
{ client(id: 1) { name email } }
{ projects { name status } }
{ project(id: 1) { name description, client { name email } } }
mutation { addClient(name: "Tony Stark", email: "", phone: "955-365-3376") { id name email phone } }
mutation { deleteClient(id: 1) { id } }
mutation { addProject(name: "Mobile App", description: "This is the project description", status: "new", clientId: "1") { name description } }
mutation { updateProject(status: "completed") { name status } }
npm i @apollo/client graphql react-router-dom react-icons
1 - Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of the project
docker build -t my-image .
2 - Run the image docker run -p 3000:3000 my-image
3 - Open the browser and go to http://localhost:5000/graphql
1 - Create a docker-compose.yml file in the root directory of the project docker c
ompose up