
Ruby or Banana? A game based on the Crystal Game Assignment at the Northwestern Coding Bootcamp.

Primary LanguageCSS

Ruby or Banana? Crystal_Game

Version 1.0
Deployment Date: Feb 1st, 2018


Ruby or Banana? The purpose of this game was to reimagine a crystal game that was assigned as homework at the Northwestern Coding Bootcamp. The main purpose of this assignment was to use the jQuey library. The player must click on a a crystal, in this case a ruby or banana, and each one is assigned a random number. You will see the score you need in order to win, get the exact right amount of points and you win!


To clone the respository by copying the link or downloading

git clone

or go to Ruby or Banana?.

Start the game by clicking on a sprite.

Built Using



The sprites are too small for the user to see properly and I ama having trouble resizing them.