
Simple cmd-line league system for bot contests.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple cmd-line league system for bot contests.

Install the latest version with pip install psyleague --upgrade

AFAIK, it requires python 3.8 or newer.

You can see the latest changes in the changelog.txt.

Note: if you encounter any bugs/problems, feel free to contact me on twitter/discord and tell me about the issue.

Main Features

  • League with simple automatic matchmaking system: start the league server, add bots, look at the results table
  • Add/remove/modify bots without restarting the server
  • All data is stored in a human-readable format
  • Easy way of adding metadata to your games and the display those stats on the leaderboard; it also allows for rating recalculation on a specific subset of games
  • Should work with all programming languages and all possible platforms
  • [Coming in 0.5.0?] Support for different ranking models

Quick Setup Guide

  • Install psyleague (via pip install psyleague --upgrade)
  • Create a play_game script that is invoked every time psyleague wants to run a new game. This is usually either a wrapper on a provided referee or your own game simulator. Please see this example for explanation about the JSON format.
  • Run psyleague config in your contest directory to create a new config file
  • In psyleague.cfg you have to modify cmd_bot_setup and cmd_play_game. cmd_bot_setup is executed immediately when you add a new bot. cmd_play_game is executed when psyleague wants to play a single game. %DIR% -> dir_bots (from config), %NAME% -> BOT_NAME, %SRC% -> SOURCE (or BOT_NAME if SOURCE was not provided), %P1% & %P2% -> BOT_NAME of the player 1 & player 2 bots.
  • If your game has more than 2 players, you should change n_players in the config.
  • Run psyleague run in a terminal - this is the "server" part that automatically plays games. In order to kill it, use keyboard interrupt (Ctrl+C).
  • In a different terminal, start adding bots by running psyleague bot add BOT_NAME -s SOURCE to add a new bot to the league. As soon as you have 2 bots added, psyleague run will start playing games.
  • Run psyleague show to see the current leaderboard
  • Remember to update n_workers (in the config or via run --workers n_workers) in order to play more games simultaneously

CodinGame play_game script

Your play_game script should print a valid JSON that contains 4 fields. P refers to the number of players.

  • ranks: a list of length P, that describes the final placements of every player; it follows the same format as trueskill library
  • errors: a list of length P that describes if there was an error (timeout, crash, etc.) for a particular player
  • test_data: an object (dictionary) that contains metadata related to this particular test/seed.
  • player_data: a list of length P that contains metadata related to each of the players.

The following python code should work with most of the CodinGame contests assuming referee.jar contains the referee. If your referee works with brutaltester it also works with psyleague.

import sys, subprocess, random, json, tempfile, os
if __name__ == '__main__':
    f, log_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='log_')
    seed = random.randrange(0, 2**31)
    n_players = len(sys.argv) - 1
    cmd = 'java -jar referee.jar' + ''.join([f' -p{i} "{sys.argv[i]}"' for i in range(1, n_players+1)]) + f' -d seed={seed} -l "{log_file}"'
    task = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
    with open(log_file, 'r') as f:
        json_log = json.load(f)
    p_scores = [int(json_log['scores'][str(i)]) for i in range(n_players)]
    rv = {}
    rv['ranks'] = [sum([int(p_score < p2_score) for p2_score in p_scores]) for p_score in p_scores] # assumes higher score is better
    rv['errors'] = [int(p_score < 0) for p_score in p_scores] # assumes negative score means error
    rv['test_data'] = {'seed': seed}
    rv['player_data'] = [{} for _ in range(n_players)]
    for player, key in enumerate([str(i) for i in range(n_players)]):
        for data in json_log['errors'][key]:
            if not data: continue
            for line in [line.strip() for line in data.split('\n')]:
                vs = line.split(' ')
                if len(vs) < 4: continue
                if vs[0] == '[TDATA]':  rv['test_data'][vs[1]] = vs[3]
                if vs[0] == '[PDATA]':  rv['player_data'][player][vs[1]] = vs[3]
                if vs[0] == '[PDATA+]': rv['player_data'][player][vs[1]] = rv['player_data'][player].get(vs[1], 0.0) + float(vs[3])            

In order to add metadata to test_data, just print [TDATA] key = value to stderr in your bot. Similarly, print [PDATA] key = value for adding metadata to player_data. Use [PDATA+] key = value if you want to store the sum of all of the values instead only the last one.


  • Most of the potential errors come from either having incorrect referee or a mistake in your play_game script. It's recommended to run your cmd_play_game manually and see if it correctly prints out JSON string to stdout.
  • Set n_workers to 1 and run server with verbose turned on: psyleague run --verbose to see if your cmd_play_game script is called correctly.

Ranking Models

  • trueskill
    • this is the same model that CodinGame uses, except here you have the ability to reduce tau so that the ranking can stabilize after a while. Unless you're running 10K+ games per bot, there's probably no reason to reduce tau even more.


Matchmaking model is very simple:

  • If there are any bots with less than mm_min_matches games and we have "rolled" below mm_min_matches_preference: play a game between a bot with not enough games and a random bot
  • Otherwise: play a game between two random bots



Other Details

  • psyleague is not going to be backward compatible. Every new version might break the format of any of the files and/or config.
  • Most of the referees for CodinGame detect if your bot goes above allowed time for each turn. If you spawn too many workers your bots will start timing out randomly.
  • Config file is read only once at the startup. If you have updated config file, you have to restart psyleague run to reflect the changes
  • You can modify psyleague.db to make direct changes to the bots/stats, but don't do that while psyleague run is running. In order to reset everything, it's enough to delete psyleague.db & psyleague.games.
  • If you want to see the list of planned changes, see the top of the source file