
Simple local tester for Topcoder's Marathon contests.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Simple cmd-line tester for Topcoder Marathon & AtCoder Heuristic Contests.

Install the latest version with pip install psytester --upgrade

Main Features

  • Works with both Topcoder Marathons and AtCoder Heuristic Contests
  • Run batches of tests using multiple threads and store results in a friendly JSON format
  • Print the local scoreboard
  • Group/Filter results by user-defined metadata
  • Search through tests according to some metrics (useful for finding tests close to timing out or some more extreme test cases)

Quick Setup: Topcoder Marathons

  • Download official jar tester
  • Run psytester config --load topcoder in problem's directory (note: if you're not using the new tester use psytester config --load old_topcoder instead)
  • Edit newly created tester.cfg config file to change:
    • number of threads (default/threads_no)
    • -exec part to match the name of your executable (general/cmd_tester)
    • change the type of scoring function used ('default/scoring'); by default the scoring function used is max (YOUR_SCORE / BEST_SCORE), you can use min (BEST_SCORE / YOUR_SCORE) or raw (YOUR_SCORE);

Quick Setup: AtCoder Heuristic Contests

  • Download official tools
  • Run psytester config --load atcoder in problem's directory
  • Edit newly created tester.cfg config file to change the number of threads (default/threads_no) and the command that invokes provided tester and output the scores (unfortunately AHCs do not have standardized tools across different contests)
  • Few examples:
    • AHC008: cmd_tester = cargo run --bin tester a.exe < in/%SEED04%.txt > %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.out 2> %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.err
    • AHC009: cmd_tester = a.exe < in/%SEED04%.txt > %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.tmp 2> %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.err && vis.exe in/%SEED04%.txt %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.tmp > %OUTPUT_DIR%/%SEED%.out
  • Note that output_files should be a list of files that psytester scans in order to extract score (in form of Score = value) and/or user-defined metadata (in form of [DATA] variable = value); if you might to modify output_files as well (given examples do not require that).
  • psytester doesn't use the generator, so you have to generate the tests manually

Basic Workflow

  • Test your solution manually (without psytester) and verify that it's working correctly.
  • Verify that psytester is set up correctly by executing a small test run: psytester r -t 10. This should print results to standard output
  • Run psytester r [results_file] in order to run a batch of tests and create a results_file.res with scores. Output of each test is redirected to a text file and then later the file is scanned in order to extract the score (and potentially other variables). Results file will contain scores for each test case in JSON format. By default, output files will be stored at ./tests/results_file/.
  • Run psytester s to see the scoreboard for all of the results' files in the current directory.
  • By default, results files contains only Score and the test ID (seed). You can add additional metadata by printing [DATA] X = Y (spaces are mandatory) in your solution. For example, let's say the the problem is on the square grid of size N. If your solution prints [DATA] N = ..., you can run psytester s --data [results_file_with_data] --groups N to see the summary grouped by different sizes of the grid. You can also manually specify multiple groups with different criteria like --groups N=2 N=3-5 N=6-10 D=2 D=4. Similarly, you can use --filters N=5-10 to filter the testcases to include only those meeting specific criteria.
  • For more options/features, please look at the config comments and/or built-in help. You can override most of the options by specifying adequate command line option.

Mode: Run

  • Information explaining how it works incoming
  • Use --tests A-B to select the range of seeds to use; --tests N is equivalent to --tests 1-N;
  • Use --m threads_no to change the number of threads, you can also set it in the config file (default/threads_no)
  • More info coming

Mode: Show

  • Running psytester show will print results table based results files in current directory
  • By default results are sorted by file name, you can also sort based on time by changing config option default/sorting to date
  • There are config options to enable/disable showing errors/bests/uniques
  • If you want to remove some old results file the easiest way is to just move/delete them
  • You can use --groups ... to add additional columns that will show the score per group; Similarly you can use --filters .... Both of those options require adding metadata by adding [DATA] variable = value to your output files. For more info check grouping and filtering
  • More info coming

Mode: Find

  • Running psytester find [--data results_file] [--var VAR] [--order {+|-}] [--limit LIMIT] sorts the results from results_file by VAR(ascending / descending) and prints them (either all or up to LIMIT). You can use LATEST as a results_file in order to use the latest results file. For example, you can run psytester find --data LATEST --var time --order - --limit 10to print 10 tests from the latest run that had the longest execution time.
  • You can combine it with --filters ... options
  • When running tests, you can use --tests test_file to run tests on a specific subset of seeds. This allows you to easily rerun a solution on a specific subset of tests: psytester find ... > test_subset && psytester --tests test_subset ...

Mode: Generate Scripts

Script generation is experimental and was broken so many times that it's been temporarily disabled.

Grouping and Filtering

  • I know it's the "killer feature" of the psytester, but more info is incoming, I promise!

Config Files

  • More info coming


  • Do not expect the same execution speed when running concurrently with multiple threads.
  • More info coming

Known Issues

  • Currently psytester is not backward compatible with old config files, you'll have to manually update the config file to a new version if you update psytester while working on the same problem. This should change in the future versions.
  • There's a tiny glitch where on some machines sometimes progress is double printed on the same line.
  • More issues coming ;)