
Laravel 5.1.x Persistent Settings (Database + Cache)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

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Laravel 5.1.x Persistent Settings (Database + Cache)


You can use v1.0.1 for laravel 5.x

How to Install

Require this package with composer (Packagist) using the following command:

composer require efriandika/laravel-settings

or modify your composer.json:

   "require": {
      "efriandika/laravel-settings": "1.*"

then run composer update:

After updating composer, Register the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Add an alias for the facade to aliases array in your config/app.php

'Settings'  => Efriandika\LaravelSettings\Facades\Settings::class,

You can publish the config and migration files now (Attention: This command will not work if you don't follow previous instruction):

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Efriandika\LaravelSettings\SettingsServiceProvider" --force

Change config/settings.php according to your needs. If you change db_table, don't forget to change the table's name in the migration file as well.

Create the settings table.

$ php artisan migrate

How to Use it

Set a value

Settings::set('key', 'value');

Get a value

$value = Settings::get('key');

Get a value with Default Value.

$value = Settings::get('key', 'Default Value');

Note: If key is not found (null) in cache or settings table, it will return default value

Get a value via an helper

$value = settings('key');
$value = settings('key', 'default value');

Forget a value


Forget all values


To Do


The Laravel 5 Persistent Settings is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license