
small alexa buttons game.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Alexa Buttons Game: Lie Detector

Lie Detector is a simple game you play with your friends and Alexa Buttons.

Each round, one player will be picked to be the counter. All other players will close their eyes.

The alexa will then flash the counter's button yellow a random number of times and ask them to say the number they counted.

The counter can choose to say the real number, the truth, or they can choose to say a different number, a lie.

Alexa will then ask all players to open their eyes and each give a guess to if the counter was telling the thruth or lying.

Correct guesses will earn the guesser one point. Each incorrect guess will earn the counter a point.

Running the code

You can either run the code local

jovo run

Or you can zip this repo and upload it to an AWS Lambda with an Alexa Skills Trigger.

You will also need to use the Amazon Developer Console to define your skill and point it to one of the above options.

Built with

  • Jovo - The Framework for Voice App Development