
My library prepared for get next line and printf, with which I have obtained the 125 points. The code I understand is the most powerful!

Primary LanguageC

🕹 LIBFT - 42 Proyect

The first and necessary project, your best friend

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My library prepared for get next line and printf, with which I have obtained the 125 points.

This is a essential cursus library, with a focus on safety and some extra functions that do stuff like return the absolute value, return the power of an int, return whether a string will overflow an int if passed to atoi and free a pointer and point it to NULL.


Creation of my own library (libft.a) with standard C functions, as well as some additional useful functions.

  • Project developed in C language.
  • The project compiles with the 'norma' (Norminette).
  • Makefile is included which compiles the files source to the required output (.a) with the -Wall, -Werror and -Wextra flags.

Mandatory Functions to replicate







Bonus part

The bonus rule created in the Makefile allows to compile the functions to manipulate linked lists. The defnition of the struct is:

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 6 05 58 PM

All the bonus functions are named like ft_function_bonus.c

Functions to replicate


