Arduboy Resistance Calculator

This is a small application for the Arduboy that allows you to calculate the resistance of a resistor from its colour values and vice versa.

It was created as a test for writing for the device in Rust using the Rust for Arduboy library.

The program makes heavy use of the Arduboy's RGB LED, so running it on a device with one is advised, but the program is still useable without.


L + R - Select band

U + D - Change value by one place

A - Open colour selection menu

B - Cycle number of bands on resistor

A (in menu) - Confirm colour choice & close menu

B (in menu) - Close menu

Hold L and R, Press B - Save current number of bands in EEPROM to be loaded on startup


To build this, you will need my fork of the Rust for Arduboy library. Then place this repository inside Project/game and execute one of the run scripts.