
Pico Tool for: Patching, Sideloading, File Explorer, FTP Server, PiracyCheck...

Primary LanguageC

Install instructions

  1. Download .zip
  2. Unzip
  3. Put your apk or zip in APK_or_ZIP_here
  4. Choose "Patching Method" or "Renaming Method" (depends on your OS version)
  5. Click Sideload, Sideload from PATCHED to install patched or renamed games (also you can click sideload manually to choose apk and obb folder by yourself)
  • "install to unknown" = Normal way to install sideloaded apps, you will find them in "unknown source"
  • "install as bought" = You will find your sideloaded games in normal apps section, where you can also find bought games (This is just cosmetics and has nothing to do if a cracked game works or not)

Download PP Stuff Tool from here: https://github.com/FallenAngel-PP/PP_Stuff_Tool_for_Windows/releases/

PP Stuff Tool How-To.pdf

When you run into any problems, install this: