
Secure Data Backup and Restore Utility for Vaultwarden written in rust πŸ¦€

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


VaultKeeper is a command-line tool written in Rust πŸ¦€ to streamline the backup and restoration process for your Vaultwarden instance. Take command of your vaultwarden data with precision, selecting exactly what to back up and how many versions to retain.

I developed this command-line tool as a means of learning Rust πŸ¦€.

Key Features:

  • πŸ”’ Customizable Backups:

    Tailor your backups to meet your specific needs. VaultKeeper lets you choose which elements to include in your backups, such as the database, attachments, sent items, configuration files (config.json), RSA key, and icon caches.

  • πŸ”„ Version Control:

    Define how many backups to retain at a time. VaultKeeper makes it easy to manage storage space by automatically handling the removal of older backups based on your specified retention count.

Upcoming Features:

  • πŸ”„ Effortless Restoration:

    Restore your Vaultwarden data with ease. VaultKeeper simplifies the restoration process by restoring the vaultwarden data using a single command!

  • πŸ” Encryption for Added Security:

    Encrypt your Vaultwarden backup data with ease, and decrypt them during the restoration process.


# Generate your vaultkeeper config file during installation (handled by Makefile) 
vaultkeeper generate-config
# Or generate to a custom directory (handled by Makefile)
vaultkeeper generate-config --config /foo

# Backup your Vaultwarden data after configuring Vaultkeeper
vaultkeeper backup
# Or backup using the config file from a custom path
vaultkeeper backup --config /foo/config.json

Getting Started:

To get started with VaultKeeper, follow these steps:

Automatic Installation

  1. Download the Makefile:
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fallenbagel/vaultkeeper/main/Makefile
  2. Run the installation:
    make install

Manual Installation

  1. Download and Install:
    • Visit the (releases) page.
    • Download the latest version of VaultKeeper for your platform (windows coming soonβ„’)
  2. Make the binary executable (Linux/Unix/Mac):
    chmod +x vaultkeeper
  3. Move the binary to a directory in your system's PATH, e.g., /usr/bin/ (Linux/Unix/Mac):
    sudo mv vaultkeeper /usr/bin/

Now you can use vaultkeeper as a command in your terminal and you can use it by running the commands described in the Usage section.

Build from Source:

  1. Install Rust: Ensure that you have Rust installed on your system. If not, you can install it by following the instructions on the official Rust website.

  2. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Fallenbagel/vaultkeeper.git
    cd vaultkeeper
  3. Build the binary:

    cargo build --release
  4. Copy the Binary: Once the build process is complete, you can find the binary in the target/release/ directory. Copy it to a location in your system's PATH:

    sudo cp target/release/vaultkeeper /usr/bin/
  5. Make the directory to store your Vaultkeeper config file

    sudo mkdir /etc/vaultkeeper
  6. Generate config file

    vaultkeeper generate-config --config /etc/vaultkeeper

Now you can use it by running the commands described in the Usage section.


  • If you encounter issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue.
  • Contributions are welcome!