- 2
qgroundcontroll app error
#47 opened by Publicano - 2
Compilation errors with Qt6.7.0
#46 opened by NielsMayer - 2
Sharing an image in data folder
#45 opened by edips - 3
- 15
- 0
Can't install on Linux Qt6.5
#42 opened by Shell-reversecpp - 24
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.falsinsoft.qtandroidtools.AndroidTools"
#40 opened by zlutor - 4
copy&paste error in
#41 opened by zlutor - 2
- 2
Qt 6.4.2 - app always crashes at startup
#38 opened by zlutor - 26
Does not compile with Qt6.2
#34 opened by NielsMayer - 1
any plans for supporting App Open Ads
#37 opened by zlutor - 2
AudioFocus.cpp calls incorrect/nonexistent java method abandonAudioFocus() instead of abandonFocus()
#36 opened by NielsMayer - 26
#28 opened by FranckRICHARD01 - 3
[Feature Request] rewarded interstitial ad units
#33 opened by zlutor - 0
it canot build in Qt 5.13
#31 opened by tangyoha - 2
AdMob policy violation warning... :(
#30 opened by zlutor - 10
QtAndroidTools for CMake
#29 opened by ssakone - 16
Feature Request: EU GDPR User Consent Form
#23 opened by tom-hines - 10
java.lang.NullPointerException again
#22 opened by FranckRICHARD01 - 5
Facebook Audience Network Support
#25 opened by shujaatak - 2
the services arguments must be set for a service not run in an external library
#24 opened by FranckRICHARD01 - 7
Demo is not Working, Please Help..!!
#20 opened by rajeabhilash - 13
java.lang.NullPointerException in
#16 opened by FranckRICHARD01 - 1
[Feature Request] Purchasing features
#21 opened by pockemul - 5
Qt 5.15 Share example not working
#19 opened by homdx - 6
Build errors if all ABIs (armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86 and x86_64) are selected...
#17 opened by zlutor - 1
Any plan for supporting ad
#18 opened by zlutor - 11
- 11
Is Qt5.14.x supported?
#15 opened by shujaatak - 1
- 2
Compilier Error on v1.3
#11 opened by epwolf - 7
Compile v1.3 issue on Qt 5.13.2
#12 opened by Allstar12345 - 3
QtAndroidAdMobBanner not support split screen
#10 opened by TechComet - 2
Minimum supported Gradle version
#9 opened by TechComet - 8
File sharing
#7 opened by AndreaRicchi - 3
Error: making it incompatible with Gradle 6.0
#8 opened by ssakone - 10
QT version
#6 opened by Dongbox - 18
Rewarded Video Ads
#5 opened by pockemul - 12
- 1
Admob Banner looks broken in landscape
#3 opened by edips - 12
copy aidl Error
#1 opened by ismailGz - 3
AdMobBanner crashes when switching tasks.
#2 opened by tom-hines