A registry of GEDCOM concepts, as proposed in GEDCOM issue #204

Repository organization

The repository is primarily made up of YAML files organized as documented at https://gedcom.io/terms/format.

If you know the URI of the extension you want, you can look up its YAML file path in registry_path.tsv. Other files in the generated_files/ directory may also be of interest to GEDCOM tool developers.

YAML files are placed in this repository in subdirectories type/subtype/name.yaml where

  • type is the value of the YAML file's type: key with any spaces replaced by hypens
  • subtype is one of
    • the general meaning of the URI for type: uri files; otherwise
    • standard if the YAML file represents a concept from the official FamilySearch GEDCOM 7 specification
    • extension if the YAML file is defined by a third party
  • name is an identifier selected at time of registration

The registry_tools/ directory contains various files and stripts for assisting in maintaining this repository. Notably, that includes a YAML schema validator that should be used by any new or edited YAML before it is pushed to the repository.

Proposing changes or new files

To propose a new entry or change to an existing entry,

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Modify the YAML file, or create the YAML file in the right directory
  3. Check it using the schema checker from the registry_tools/ directory of this repo
  4. Make a pull request

If the change is to a standard term, the change needs to be made to the specification itself instead; changes to standard terms here will be overwritten on the next patch release of the FamilySearch GEDCOM spec.

If you are unsure if your proposed change is appropriate or are uncomfortable directly editing YAML files and making pull requests, submit an issue instead.

If you have questions or suggestions about this repository or its contents, please direct those to the main GEDCOM Discussions page.