TYPO3 extension to connect to the Matomo API and show the result using a Fluid template.
- TYPO3 CMS 10.4
- PHP 7.2+
- Licence: GPL 3.0
After installing the extension you need to configure the Matomo API call through TypoScript. You can then add the plugin, either through TypoScript or as a content element. The default template will show the returned data using f:debug, so most likely you'll want to create a custom template.
More about the Matomo API can be found here: https://developer.matomo.org/api-reference/reporting-api
Key | Description | Type |
view.templateRootPaths | Template root paths | Array |
view.partialRootPaths | Partial root paths | Array |
view.layoutRootPaths | Layout root paths | Array |
settings.apiUrl | URL for the Matomo API | String |
settings.tokenAuth | The Matomo API authentication token | String |
settings.method | The method to call in the Matomo API | String |
settings.parameters | The parameters to send to the Matomo API | Array |
plugin.tx_matomoapi {
settings {
apiUrl = https://example.org/matomo/index.php?
tokenAuth = 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
method = VisitsSummary.get
parameters {
idSite = 1
period = range
date = last30
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers">
<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="Content">
Visits in the last 30 days: {data.nb_visits}
plugin.tx_matomoapi {
settings {
apiUrl = https://example.org/matomo/index.php?
tokenAuth = 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
method = Actions.getPageUrls
parameters {
idSite = 1
period = day
date = yesterday
flat = 1
filter_limit = 1
<html xmlns:f="http://typo3.org/ns/TYPO3/CMS/Fluid/ViewHelpers">
<f:layout name="Default" />
<f:section name="Content">
<f:if condition="{data.0}">
<a href="{data.0.url}">Most visited page yesterday</a>
There were no visitors yesterday or something went wrong