1. GDConfig
2. GDProfile
3. GDSong
4. GDLevel
5. GDComment
6. GDMessage
7. GDError (For Exception)
include "/gd-api/autoload.php";
$app = new GDLevel ("http://boomlings.com/database", 60078339);
echo $app->getPassword();
new GDConfig($host, $username = null, $password = null);
getUserID ();
getAccInfo ($type, $icon = "icon");
downloadSaveData (__DIR__."/1");
uploadSaveData (__DIR__."/1");
new GDLevel ("host", ID-LEVEL);
downloadLevel (__DIR__."/1");
getLevelName ();
getDescription ();
getObject ();
getPassword ();
getUserID ();
getPopularity ();
In arraygetInfo ();
In arraygetFullString ();
new GDProfile ("host", "accountID", false);
getIcon ("ship");
getUsername ();
getStars ();
getDiamonds ();
getDemon ();
getCP ();
getGoldCoins ();
getCoins ();
getUserID ();
getYouTube ();
getTwitter ();
getTwitch ();
new GDSong ("host", SONG-ID);
getDownloadLink ();
getTitle ();
getCreator ();
getSize ();
downloadSong ();
new GDComment ("host", "username", "password");
postAccComment ("Hi");
postComment ("Hi", LEVEL-ID);
fetchComment (LEVEL-ID, mode, page);
fetchAccComment ();
setAccountID (AccID);
to set AccIDsetPage (PageNum);
setUserID (UserID);
to set UserIDfetchCommentHistory (1);
getPage ();
new GDMessage ("host", "username", "password");
getMessage (pagenum);
readMessage (messageID);
deleteMessage (messageID);
sendMessage ("Subject", "Body", toAccID);
For Example code goto Here
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